5 Blind Designs

5 Blind Designs!

In the most simplistic terms, I charge $200 USD for FIVE designs total. You provide me with a brief of your company/band/project and I translate them into vectored, single-color artwork. For example, if you were to say your band is really into rats, eyeballs, cupcakes, rollerblades, and sewer mutants, I would take that brief and create 5 unique designs and send them over print ready in a 15x20, .PSD file at 300 DPI. Why so cheap for 5 designs you might ask? This is where the catch comes in: I sketch, ink, finish and finalize the designs without any feedback or revisions as I go. By eliminating this process, I am able to make art I think is awesome and do it quickly.

If you would like to add color to a design or revise some aspects of another design its only $20 a piece to do so. 

Appeals to: Those who are fine with cool art that is still catered to their brand or band but without being involved in the creative process.

All images below come from 5 blind design packs created for clients!